Saturday, October 27, 2007

Great news! (and a little scary...)

When Bryant entered the NICU today, Ben was in an open crib! He's been doing so well that his docs decided he could regulate his body temp all on his own. Ben now weighs 4 lbs. 7 oz. (gained 4 oz. since yesterday!), and he took two whole feedings by bottle today (the rest are through his feeding tube). He's off all oxygen. And the greatest news of all...

If Ben continues to progress on this path, his doc said he may be able to come home in ONE TO TWO WEEKS!!!

Yikes! After "planning" for Ben to be home around the end of November or early December, I feel very unprepared for him to arrive early (again). Actually, I'm scared to death of the responsibility involved with caring for a tiny preemie. What if I can't feed him correctly and he chokes? What if Ben has an apnea episode (stops breathing), and we don't catch it in time? What if Jack accidentally sits on him?! The fears are endless...

And we're completely unprepared in every other way, too. We haven't even started to prepare Jack's "big boy" room so that Ben can have the nursery. I'm not really sure where our bottles, swing, bouncy seat, etc. are. And I lent out all of our burp cloths and swaddling blankets to people who were planning to return them next month. We don't have a double stroller or a baby carrier. All-in-all, I'm a horrible, unprepared, disorganized mom.

And I'm so excited that I may soon be able to hold my baby boy all day long without beeping machines and poking nurses and other crying babies everywhere.

I know all the other stuff will work itself out. God has cared for us in amazing ways thus far, and He will continue to meet our needs as they come. My house will be a wreck for many more months, but my family will finally be together and whole.

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