Wednesday, September 12, 2007

We've Moved!

We've moved to St. Luke's/Texas Children's.
Antepartum Unit, Room 334.
Visiting hours are completely open, and children/babies are welcome!

So come on down!

Other good news for today....
--I'm allowed to get up to go to the bathroom and take short showers.
--I had another ultrasound, and Ben seems to be doing fine. He's breech with his legs crossed straight up in front of him by his face, so a c-section will be necessary.
--My amniotic fluid is still very low, and I'm still bleeding some, but now that we are past the 48-hour mark, things are looking up. If we can make it a week, then we will likely make it much longer--and every day counts!

Please continue to keep us in your prayers, and THANK YOU to everyone for your kind emails, calls, visits, etc. We are so blessed to have such great family and friends.

1 comment:

alovelace said...

I'm so pleased that you may be able to hold out a few more weeks!!! We prayed for you in Bible study last night - specifically that you can make it to 30wks (and then we'll pray for 2 more weeks again!!!). We love you and are all here for you. I wanted to come see you today but was sent home from clinic...I've managed to catch a nasty cold - the perils of pediatrics! My prayers are with you...keep your spirits up!