Saturday, September 29, 2007

Benjamin is doing well

Our little Ben is progressing slowly but steadily. He still needs the nasal c-pap to keep his airways open, and he still requires supplemental oxygen. The docs were getting concerned about his labored breathing, so they did a whole battery of tests on Thursday (including x-rays of his chest and abdomen, and ultrasounds of his brain and heart). Everything looked just fine, so they determined that he's just a "weenie white boy"--Caucasian males are slowest to develop lung function--who simply needs more time to mature.

They were able to remove Ben's umbilical cord arterial and venous lines, so he can now sleep on his belly--much happier. He does not need a PIC line at this time, so he'll receive supplemental fluids through a normal IV line in his hand. Almost all of his nutrition is coming from milk via the feeding tube. He's tolerating his feeds very well and has maintained his weight at 2 lbs. 14 oz.

I'm continually amazed by how strong our little Ben is. The other day, his nurse had to postpone a procedure because Ben was fighting her so adamantly. She said it was the first time that she has wrangled with a preemie and lost! He's our Mighty Mouse!

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